R/Airportwise Airtime.R

#' Calculate the average airtime of all the filghts airport-wise
#' @param Origin Origin Airport
#' @param Destination Destination Airport
#' @param Month Month of flight
#' @return Average of the total airtime for the flight data in hours
#' @examples
#' Avg_time_airport("JFK", "LAX")
#' @export

flights <- flightsSub

Avg_time_airport <- function(origin , Destination, month = c(1:12)) {
  return (mean(flights[which(flights$ORIGIN == origin & flights$DEST == Destination
                             & flights$MONTH %in% month), ]$AIR_TIME, na.rm = T)/60)
KeithSpaar/usflyr documentation built on May 8, 2019, 4:51 p.m.